by Ilana Levitt | Sep 26, 2019 | Blog
The focus and analysis of Millennials and Gen Z in the workplace is only growing in conversation. Given the name the “me generation,” this creative, open and transparent age group entering the workforce offers a new set of skills and perspectives in all fields. Though...
by Ilana Levitt | Sep 10, 2019 | Blog
I was so happy to have my article “Parenting Your Child with ADHD for Career Success” featured in Attention Magazine via CHADD this month! I provide ten tips for parents that I think is beneficial for all readers. I hope you enjoy the article below and let us know...
by Ilana Levitt | Jun 6, 2019 | Blog
In the midst of graduation season, this can be an eyeopening and transitional time for new graduates and their families. This experience can be different for all individuals, as parents go through the motions of learning how to adjust back to life with young adults in...
by Ilana Levitt | Mar 20, 2019 | Blog
I was so incredibly moved by Gloria: A Life, that it has taken me a few weeks to digest the play and write this blog. I am grateful for the large circle of women in my life and loved sharing the Gloria experience with my long-standing Book Group. Gloria: A Life tells...
by Ilana Levitt | Feb 28, 2019 | Blog
The number one piece of advice that successful women give is to find a mentor or coach. A woman once told me she was looking for surrogate parents in all of her jobs while others said that they were looking for someone who could “show me myself” because their mothers...