Step One: Assessment
- Develop your career profile: With the use of various assessment instruments, exercises, and counseling, you can discover your true passions, interests, aptitudes, values and personality style.
- Understand interests and personality with the Strong Cambell Interest Inventory and the Myers Briggs Type Indicator®.
- Identify important sets of skills and aptitudes. These may include content specific, self-adaptive and most importantly, transferable skills that can help you transition to other roles and industries.
- Determine your most critical needs, effective work styles, and best suited work environments
- Understand your personality style and how it relates to work and career choice
- Clarify your life/career goals and develop an individualized career plan.
Step Two: Counseling/Coaching
Take control of your future:
- Develop realistic short- and long-term goals.
- Identify and overcome barriers to career success
- Evaluate your full career potential through assessment and counseling.
- Take steps to reach your goals through career coaching .
- Gain support for job stress, loss, and anxiety, and career/life transitions.
Step Three: Job Search
Receive expert and current advice on the most relevant way to brand and promote yourself to land the job, get admitted to graduate school or start a business. Learn about the latest trends, discover how to tap into the hidden job market and how to use social media platforms to send the right compelling messages about yourself.
- Resume/LinkedIn development: develop strong, effective materials including a resume, LinkedIn profile and letters that will get the right attention. Create a story you can tell yourself and others that highlight your strengths and also articulates your gaps and limitations in a constructive way.
- Networking skills: Networking is clearly the most effective way to find out about opportunities but this process can be very difficult for the shy or introverted. Learn how to redefine this concept and make it work for all personality types.
- Interviewing: Has it been a while since you interviewed for a job? You might be concerned about how to present yourself or answer questions about gaps in employment or separations from jobs. Learn to speak confidently about your accomplishments and find solid language to explain transitions. Identify barriers to good interviewing. It takes an employer 30 seconds to form an opinion about a candidate… So learn how to make it a good one! Read this helpful article.
- Salary negotiation: This critical aspect of landing a good job is a learned skill. Learn effective negotiation techniques so that you can get the best compensation package possible.
Executive coaching is a powerful catalytic tool that empowers individuals to achieve career and personal success. These services are available to all clients regardless of any career transition. With support and guidance you can learn how to:
- Overcome the obstacles that inhibit achievement
- Recognize the tools necessary to be a great leader
- Creatively handle conflict, change, and transitions
- Work though internal barriers such as fear of failure, fear of success, self-doubt, insecurities, and bad habits
- Manage office politics to win
- Improve human relations skills to resolve personal on-the-job conflicts
- Develop and tap into natural leadership ability
- Accomplish your job deadlines to meet your boss’s expectations
- Develop personally so you feel better about yourself
- Enhance your communication skills to be better understood